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Explore the foundational principles and poses on which you can build your yoga practice (Level 1).
Bhakti Flow Level 1-2
A bridge from fundamentals into a flowing vinyasa practice. Link poses at a moderate pace with gradual transitions.
Bhakti Flow Level 2
A strong vinyasa practice that challenges endurance. Play with complex transitions, arm balancing and inverting.
Bhakti Flow Level 2-3
Engage with vigorous advanced variations in an intense vinyasa practice.
A slow, introspective practice designed to be adaptable. Organize, center and balance.
A restful practice on bolsters, blankets, and blocks. Receive support from props, and release your body-mind.
A balance to “yang” vinyasa and an active lifestyle. Linger in poses 2-8 minutes and explore how stillness can facilitate mobility.
Flow to Yin
This class begins with a flowing vinyasa practice, linking poses at a moderate pace with gradual transitions. Then it will move into a “yin” practice which balances the “yang” vinyasa practice and an active lifestyle. You will linger in yin poses for 2-8 minutes and explore how stillness can facilitate mobility.
Breathe, chant, move, and dynamically meditate in this practice centered on Consciousness.

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This is gonna be a sick ass call to action!

Mandala Mandala